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The Parent genus is - Cynometra

Woody Species Cynometra ananta

Common name(s): Ananta, apomé

Taxon status is ... Accepted name

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General Data for Species Cynometra ananta

Authority - Hutch. & DalzielVarieties, cultivars, Hybrids, Subspecies -
Common Names - Ananta, apoméSynonyms -
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? AngiospermCommercial wood? - Commercial
Uses - Suitable for heavy construction, heavy flooring, bridge building, exterior joinery, interior trim, ship building, vehicle bodies, mine props, poles, railway sleepers, sporting goods, toys, novelties, agricultural implements, pattern making and turnery.Durability -
Plant forms - Typical sizes of plant - 35 - 45 m tall
Seasoning - Stability - .
General Description - The heartwood is reddish brown with darker streaks, and distinctly demarcated from the 2.5–7.5 cm wide, yellowish to pinkish brown sapwood. The grain is usually interlocked, texture fine. The wood is heavy, with a density of 910–1000 kg/m³ at 12% moisture content. It air dries slowly with a tendency of checking and end splitting. Drying should therefore be done with care. The rates of shrinkage are moderately high, from green to oven dry 5.2% radial and 9.3% tangential. Once dry, the wood is not very stable in service. At 12% moisture content, the modulus of rupture is 126–187 N/mm², modulus of elasticity 14,700–17,840 N/mm², compression parallel to grain 72–83 N/mm², cleavage 18.5–19.5 N/mm, Janka side hardness 11,700 N, Chalais-Meudon side hardness 8.5–14.8 and Janka end hardness 12,940 N. The wood is difficult to saw and work, and has severe blunting effect on cutting edges and saw teeth; the use of tungsten-tipped cutting edges is recommended. In planing operations a 15° cutting angle is recommended to obtain a good finish, and cutting edges should be kept sharp. Pre-boring is needed for nailing and screwing. The corrosion rate of iron and steel in the wood is high. The wood glues moderately well and can be stained and polished satisfactorily requiring little filling. It turns well. The steam bending properties are moderate. The wood is durable, being resistant to termite and Lyctus attacks, but occasionally liable to pinhole borer and longhorn beetle attacks. The heartwood is resistant to impregnation with preservatives, but the sapwood is moderately permeable. Some imidazoline alkaloids have been isolated from the leaves.
Typical Defects -
Toxicity -
World Distribution - West Africa: Liberia east to Ghana
Comments - Provides timber sold mostly locally and less often internationally The hard and heavy wood and the often poor bole shape of Cynometra ananta are serious drawbacks for commercialization efforts. However, its fair regeneration rate in natural forest, and the high natural durability and high resistance to abrasion of the wood offer possibilities for commercial timber production for special purposes such as heavy-duty flooring, as long as long rotation cycles are acceptable

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Webmaster's Notice on Developing
Woodworking and Numeric Test Areas

The original mandate that started the TAXA Wood Knowledge Base was actually to locate and document as many species of woods and woody plants. The research that has been done over the last decade has brought forth a massive collection of data, most of it still to be added into TAXA's database tables. There is so much to add infact, that it could take as much as 2 years to do all the entry!

Because of the massive amount of work to be done in the near future on completing certain programming tasks and, far more, the huge amount of labor that will be needed to finally include the research data found over the past decade, it has been decided to have a lengthy postponement on completing the programming and data populating of both the Woodworking Data and the Numeric Data sections in preference to finishing the content along lines closer to the original mandate of recording the woods of the world. These two areas are not totally abandoned but will unlikely be completed for at least one or two years till the other data is added.

State of Progress to Date - The audience for the data and information that these delayed sections appeal to are considerably more specific than general knowledge of wood. Woodworkers naturally will wish to know what each wood is like to work with. Numeric test data is especially of interest to engineers and architects. Knowing these knowledge functions are quite narrow and specific in contrast to general wood descriptions and data, in planning it was decided that these areas should be made visible only on specific choice by the readers. That part of the code is done and works fine. If neither information on woodworking or numeric properties are wanted, the report forms for them do not show. In contrast, the reader can make either or both function forms to show.

The forms that do show at this point are stubs. The database tables have not been created and the forms are therefore not yet linked to any data. They will remain that way (as explained above) for an extended period. The exception to this would be if considerable new resources in money and labor were found to speed progress or, similarly, one or more volunteers came forward to help implement them earlier. My apologies for those that may have specific interest in these knowledge areas.

Bill Mudry, Webmaster and researcher

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